

1. The output of the Java compiler is known as -----------------.
         Byte code
2.  The .org part of a domain name stands for -----------------.
3.  The ---------- statement is used to include another Java package in a Java source file.
4. A subclass can call a constructor method defined by its super class by use of the ------------------- keyword.
5.  URL stands for -------------------.
          Uniform Resource Locator
6.  ----------------- is the protocol used to transmit hyper text over the Internet.
7.  In Java, the AWT classes are contained  in the--------- package.
8.  ----------------- tag is used to insert an image in a HTML file.
9.  ----------------- command is used as the Java interpreter.
10.  Java supports -------------------_ programming.
      Multi threaded
11.  It is possible to throw an exception explicitly using the ----------_ statement.
12.  The ---------- package provides classes for networking in Java.
13. The output of the Java compiler is executed by the ----------_.
14.  ----------------- is the java compiler.
15.  Java uses ----------------- to represent characters.
16.  In JavaScript ----------------- method is used to interact with the user.
17.  ----------_ Qualifier declares a class variable that is to be shared among all instances.
18.  -------------------_ is a reference to the current object on which the method was invoked.
19.  ----------------- tag is used to create a hyper link.
20.  ----------------- are used for posting and reading messages or articles over the internet.
21. ----------------- refers to the standard input.
System. in
22.  In java, all user interface elements are subclasses of -----------------.
23.   The java interpreter is known as -----------------.
24. The mechanism of binding data with the code that manipulates it is known as -----------------.
    Dynamic binding
25.  HTML stands for -------------------.
      Hyper Text markup Language
26.  A method declared with ----------_ modifier cannot be overridden.
27.  Java byte code output from the JDK compiler will be placed into a file with ----------_ extension.
28.  The user interface classes such as Button, Checkbox and Label are subclasses of ----------------- class.
29.  ----------------- is the protocol used for transferring data over the internet.
30.  A network of computers based upon internet style techno logy that is completely within an organization is called ----------.
World Wide Web
31. A ----------------- is a collection of classes and interfaces.
32.  An ----------------- is an object that is generated when a run time error occurs.
33.  ----------_ specifies location to search for JDK tools and classes.
34.  Java compiler produces an object file that contains ----------_.
35.  -------------------_ is not supported by java.
      Multiple inheritance
36.  ----------------- declares a class variable that is to be shared among all instances.
37.  Methods defined in an interface must be -------------------.
       Public and abstract
38.  -------- tool is used for viewing HTML files.
39.  --------- is used for converting domain names to IP addresses.
40.  ----------- is used to reference an applet within an HTML source file.
41.  ------------ is a news group from which you can read messages.
42.  ------------ refers to the object that is currently executing.
43.   Java is a ----------- language.
Third generation language
44.  Applets are usually downloaded from the ----------.
45.   Many objects and their code form a user defined data type called ----------.
46.  ------------ means data hiding.
47.  ----------- is the process by which objects of one class acquire the properties of another class.
48.  The ability to take more than one forms is called -----------------.
49.  ----------_ means handling multiple tasks simultaneously.
50.  The ---------- method is a member that appends a new line character to the end of the string.
51.  The smallest individual units in programs are known as -----------------.
52.  ----------------- returns true or false values.
53.  A combination of character is a  --------.
54.   --------- function returns a character at a specified location in the string.
55.  The full form of JDK is ----------_.
     Java development kit
56.  An -------- in Java is a block of memory that contains space to store all the instance variables.
57. Java supports a special type of method called ----------.
58.   A class may have several constructors and it is called -----------------.
     Constructor overloading
59.   ----------_ also represents a group of characters.
     String buffer
60.  The concept ---------- is similar to multiple inheritance.

1. A package is a collection of classes and interfaces.
2.  An exception is an object that is generated when a run time error occurs.
3.  The object created by the string class can be modified.
4.  A class declaration can include both abstract and final modifiers.
5.  Java supports operator overloading.
6.  If a class contains an abstract method, that class itself must also be declared abstract.
7.  It is possible to overload two functions which have the same parameter list but different return values.
8.  If a class implements an interface, it must implement all the methods declared by that interface.
9.  If a class definition does not explicitly put a class into a package, the class belongs to the default package.
10.  Educational web sites have the domain name .com.
11.  Java supports multithreaded programming.
12.  Java has a keyword called finally.
13.  Java does not support operator overloading.
14.  It is possible to throw an exception explicitly using the throw statement.
15.  The viewing of images can be disabled in a web browser.
16.  Telnet is used for sending and receiving mail.
17.  Java does not provide destructors.
18.  The java.net package provides classes for networking in java.
19.  The component class is a subclass of Container class.
20.  HTML stands for hyper text marked language.
21.   The vector class is contained in java.util package.
22.  A remote applet is developed locally.
23.  An applet can perform arithmetic operations also.
24.  Frames are used for display more than one document on the screen.
25.  Cell padding attribute specifies the number of pixels of margin on all four sides of the cell content.
26. Methods defined in an interface must be private.
27.  The compiler converts source code files into byte code files.
28.  Instance variables are declared outside a class.
29.  It is not possible to define, a method in the subclass that has the same name, same arguments and the same return type.
30.  Private modifier can be invoked only by code in a subclass.
31.  Java.sql classes used for the manipulation of data base.
32.  The full form of API is abstract package interface.
    is the tag used for ordered list. False 34. Tables are widely used in format the contents of pages. True 35.
tag is used for column data in HTML. True 36. All files are included in the java.io package. True 37. Reset() is used for goes back to the beginning of the stream. True 38. Piped streams provide functionality for threads to communicate and exchange data between them. True 39. Errors are the wrongs that can make a program go right. True 40. Java supports multiple inheritance. False 41. java.applet is used for creating and implementing applets. True 42. Stop() is used for blocking a thread. True 43. tag crating tables in HTML. True 44. The vector is the concept similar to arrays. True 45. In file processing input refers to the flow of data out of a program. False 46. Wrapper classes are used to convert primitive data types into object type. True 47. Idle state refers to stopped state of an applet. True 48. The polymorphism classes are very important in OOPs. True 49. Interface is basically a kind of class. True 50. A thread is similar to a program that has a single flow of control. True 51. Applets are programs that executes within a java enabled web browser. True 52. The keyword public is an access specified that declares the main method and accessible everywhere. True 53. String buffer has flexible length. True 54. Java is a high level language. True 55. Deriving new interface from existing interface is called d thread. True 56. A marquee is the whole data displayed on the screen at different time. False 57. The socket is two end of a bi directional communication path. False 58. The proxy server serves client side of a protocol to another. True 59. The computer is identified by 64 bit IP address. False 60. The web page is used to scroll the text across the page. True III SHORT QUESTIONS: 1. What is the difference between string and string buffer class? 2. What are byte codes and Java virtual machine? 3. Explain classes and objects? What are the rules for the classes? 4. Explain about Java variables. 5. Differentiate between method overloading and overriding. 6. What is an interface? Write a small program to demonstrate how it is declared and implemented in a class. 7. Explain about different types of errors. 8. What are static and abstract methods? What are the different ways of calling a static method from a program? 9. Differentiate between java Applications and Java Applets. 10. What is the purpose of search engine? Name any two search engines? 11. How is intranet differ from Internet? 12. What is a thread in java? Name two ways to create a thread? 13. What is a constructor? What is its use? 14. What is garbage collection? Explain. 15. What are interfaces and packages? 16. What do you mean by class variable and class method? 17. Explain the meaning of public, static and void modifiers for the main() method in a Java program. 18. Explain about inheritance and polymorphism in Java. 19. Explain the structure of a Java program. 20. What are the steps fro implementing a Java program. 21. Write short notes on JVM. 22. Explain Java Data types. 23. Write the different operators in Java. 24. What are the control statements available in Java? 25. What are the looping statements available in Java? 26. Write a program to accept 3 numbers as command line arguments and find the smallest among them. 27. Explain about multithreading. 28. Write a program to find the factorial of a number. 29. What are the different string methods available in Java. 30. What are the different string buffer methods available in Java? 31. Write a program to check whether a given number is amstrong or not. 32. Write short notes on classes and objects. Explain various rules for declaring classes. 33. Differentiate between class variables and local variables. 34. Explain about constructor overloading with an example. 35. Write a Java program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not. 36. What is the use of super, this finally keywords in Java? 37. Explain about different class modifiers. 38. Explain about different constructor modifiers. 39. Explain the use of method modifiers. 40. Explain about synchronization. 41. Write short notes on different Java API packages. 42. Write short notes on exception handling. 43. Write short notes on different exception types available in Java. 44. Explain about catch, throw and try statement in Java. 45. Differentiate between a) Final and Finally b) Super and this 46. Explain about various thread operations. 47. Explain the life cycle of a thread. 48. What is the use of implementing the runnable interface. Write an example to illustrate it. 49. Write a Java program to check whether the given number is palindrome or not. 50. Explain the use of the following tags: a) b) e)
c) d) f) <Li> 51. Write different font styles available in HTML. 52. Explain about Lists in HTML. 53. Write short notes on frames in HTML. 54. Write short notes on Vectors. 55. Explain about various Byte stream and Character stream in Java. 56. Explain about object streams, piped streams, and filtered streams. 57. Write a program to accept length and breadth of a rectangle and find its area. 58. Differentiate between remote applet and local applet. 59. Write a program to count the number of vowels in the string specified as command line arguments using the while statement. 60. Explain about dynamic linking and polymorphism. IV ESSAYS: 1. Explain the features of Java. 2. Explain the structure of Java with an example. 3. Explain various Java tokens. 4. Explain various operators available in Java. 5. Explain control statements in Java. Write example also 6. Explain looping statements in Java. Write example also. 7. Explain various data types available in Java. 8. Explain about Applet packages, IO packages, and AWT packages. 9. Explain about file management in Java. 10. Explain Encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance. 11. What is Internet? What are its uses? 12. What are the features and advantages of internet over Intranet? 13. Differentiate between string methods and string buffer methods. Write examples also. 14. Explain the features of inheritance. 15. Explain about different modifiers available in Java. 16. Explain about packages. 17. Explain about Interfaces. 18. Write a Java program that illustrates the implementation of multiple inheritance. 19. Explain about exceptions in Java. 20. Explain the use of multiple catch and catch statements. 21. Explain the life cycle of a thread and about multithreaded programming. 22. Explain about Synchronization and runnable interface. Write an example to illustrate it. 23. Explain about HTML and its various tags. 24. Explain the features of applets. 25. Explain about a) InputStream class b) OutputStream class c) ReaderStream class d) WriterStream class 26. Explain the methods used in Internet Address class and URL connection class. 27. What are Frames and HTML forms? Explain. 28. What is a graphics class? Explain the different drawing methods used in graphics class. 29. What are applets? How applets differ from applet? 30. What are constructors? What is constructor overloading and method overriding? </pre> </div> </td></tr></table> </body> </html>